The following activities and services are provided by the 护理 Division of Wyandot County Public Health. 想了解更多有关这些节目的信息,请点击它们的标题.
怀安多特县公共卫生部门在传染病方面的作用是报告, 控制, 通过教育预防疾病的传播, 筛选, 监测, 治疗, 并对影响怀安多特县居民的疾病病例进行随访. Communicable diseases are reported to the Ohio Department of Health through the use of the Ohio Disease Reporting System, 一个基于计算机网络的程序. Public health nurses from Wyandot County contact residents with communicable diseases to ensure proper 治疗 and follow-up.
Click the following links to download that year's report on communicable diseases in Wyandot County.
2020 - 2019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2016 - 2015 - 2014 - 2013
俄亥俄州报告传染病, 请按此处下载 最新的报告.
点击这里 下载怀安多特县公共卫生HIPPA隐私政策.
Wyandot County 出生缺陷委员会 provides assistance to any Wyandot County resident who has been diagnosed with a birth defect. 自1985年以来, the organization has provided assistance with: adaptive equipment; camp registration; gas vouchers; home modifications; lodging; medication and supplies; and prenatal care. The application process is conducted through the 护理 Division of Wyandot County Public Health.
拨打419-294-3852获取申请或了解更多信息. 你也可以 请按此下载申请表格.
“重返睡眠”运动始于1994年,目的是教育家长, 护理人员, and health care providers about ways to reduce the risk for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). The campaign was named for its recommendation to place healthy babies on their backs to sleep. Placing babies on their backs to sleep reduces the risk for SIDS, also known as "crib death." This campaign has been successful in promoting infant back sleeping and other risk-reduction strategies to parents, 家庭成员, 托儿服务提供者, 卫生专业人员, 以及其他照顾婴儿的人. 有关此计划的更多信息, 点击这里.
CMH was developed to link families of children with special health care needs to a network of child-centered providers and also to assist families in obtaining payment for the medical services their children need. Children ages 0-21 who are permanent residents of Ohio may be eligible for CMH services. 请联系当地公共卫生护士了解更多信息.
Public health nurses provide education to the child and parent/s regarding eradication and prevention of head lice. Nurses will instruct the parent on methods to remove head lice and nits in order for the child to return to 学校. 我们非常鼓励预约,也接受捐赠.
Wyandot County Public Health provides child safety seats and booster seats to eligible low-income families through the 俄亥俄州Buckles七叶树计划 for a minimal fee. The overall goal is to increase the availability of child safety seats for families who could not otherwise afford them and to increase correct installation and proper use of child safety seats. 想了解更多谁有网赌好的平台这个项目的信息以及如何申请, 点击这里.
Wyandot County Public Health is designated by the County Commissioners as the Tuberculosis Control Unit for Wyandot County. The health department provides TB testing for clients as a requirement for their employment, 学校, 或按要求. Education and follow-up are provided by the public health nurses for individuals who have a significant (positive) skin test. 在支付胸部x光的费用方面可以得到援助, 实验室测试, 并为有需要的人提供药物. 这项检查是收费的.
怀安多特县公共卫生部将根据客户的要求进行妊娠检测. 建议预约,但不是必需的. 如果客户有医疗补助,必须提供当前医疗补助卡的复印件.
怀安多特县公共卫生局在上桑达斯基和凯里设有免疫诊所. Please contact the health department at 419-294-3852 during regular hours of operation to schedule an appointment. Our agency's goal is to have 90% of all children "up to date" with their immunizations by the age of 24 months.
The 帮助我成长家访计划 provides first time expectant or new parents the information and support they need to be prepared for the birth of their child. It provides ongoing education and support for families to maximize their child's health and development up to the age of 3 years old. 训练有素的家访员与家庭一起工作,以最好地支持孩子的发展. 他们努力帮助这些家庭幸福、健康和成功.
Wyandot County Public Health received grant funding beginning in 2009 through levy funds from The Mental Health & Recovery 董事会 to continue implementation of Lifeskills for elementary students by trained public health nurses. This eight-week course is given annually to students in grades 3-4-5 at East, South, Union, St. Peter's, Mohawk, and Our Lady of Consolation 学校s; 6th 在联合街和圣. 彼得的,还有8号楼的助推会th 在联合大学的年级.
The LifeSkills curriculum is an evidence-based program of what causes substance abuse in children and teens. 课程包括教育学生烟草制品的负面影响, 了解狡猾的广告技巧, 还有一般的生活技能,比如自尊, 自信, 压力, 来自同辈的压力, 有效的沟通技巧.
Wyandot County Public Health staff members are very involved in the community by participating in health fairs and collaborating with other agencies and organizations in the area. A nurse from the health department regularly attends meetings of the County Collaborative Group, 社区委员会, 家庭及儿童第一议会, 桑达斯基自杀预防联盟, 塞内加, 和怀安多特县, 青年委员会, 怀安多特县出生缺陷, 怀安多特县卫生联盟, 和服务协调委员会. Please feel free to contact the 护理 Division of Wyandot County Public Health for educational presentations about their programs.
The Vision Service Plan from Prevent Blindness Ohio offers a free eye exam and glasses to qualifying 学校-aged children who do not receive Medicaid and who are not on some other form of vision insurance plan. 申请可在怀扬多特县公共卫生处获得, 或者孩子们可以通过学校的保健护士转介到该项目. 谁有网赌好的平台这个项目的更多信息可以在
Wyandot County Public Health currently holds the contract for nursing services for the Carey and Upper Sandusky public 学校 systems, 凯里的圣母安慰教会学校, St. Peter's Parochial School in Upper Sandusky, and Angeline School of Opportunity in Upper Sandusky.